Art Making
through our Digital Experience
Our app making art generating assignment
Post-Internet art is a direct reflection of the reflexive nature of our digital & physical experience. We no longer can have one without the other. Our digital experiences are ever-present in the way we move around the world. It often influences the way we curate our spaces, evaluate our status & scrutinize our physical bodies.
This assignment is an attempt to better understand the inherent link between those two spaces. Filled with algorithms defining the way we move around the vast space of the internet, we are often presented back with the information we put in. How creative can you be, can you generate truly unique inputs to assure creative outputs? While we will be influenced by the Fluxus directives made in the 1970's we will ask our digital devices to deliver the inspiration.
For this assignment, we will dip into the wide world of app creation. We will be using the Thunkable developer software to create an app that serves as a random list generator. This list will be the key to our modern-day Fluxus inspiration. The only parameter is that these generations culminate into new artworks that you may have not thought of otherwise.